Monday, November 7, 2011

Turkey Hands

I am so grateful for my children.  They bring so much meaning to my life.  We have so much fun together.  Fluttershy can instantly bring a smile to my face. From her funny fake yawns letting me know she's awake from her naps to her cute ways she talks.  Instead of saying at bedtime "don't let the bedbugs bite" she says "let the bedbugs bit." It's a fun age to watch them learn the world around them.  She's always learning something new and is always surprising me with her knowledge. 

There are so many fun Thanksgiving worksheets and activities.  We printed this worksheet off of preschool palace.  This was a color by number turkey.

With all the turkeys we've been making, I'm going to have to dedicate a wall to our flock by the end of the month. 


  1. Hi Veronica, I'm your new friend from the Blogging Buddies Social Network. Your blog is really cute and I like your ideas. I'll grab your button and put it on my Fun page. I'm following with GFC. Come visit my blog:

  2. Too cute!! I love kids crafts!
