Friday, November 18, 2011

Rainbow Dancers

Week 12: Day 3

 This is what we did for our shapes activity.

 Character Education: Responsible Activities

Even though the child is young, they still have responsibilities.  Discuss and list the responsibilities that everyone in their family has.   We watched Rosa takes responsibity then did our cleaning up coloring page
Gross Motor Skills Activity
Ribbon Dancing - Attach ribbons, streamers or scarves to the ends of a ruler, dowel, or paper towel holder.  Hold the ribbon swirling it from side to side, up and down, etc.  Be sure to switch hands.  This activity improves hand-eye coordination.


  1. Love the ribbon dancing! Looks like you girls had so much fun!

  2. When my son was little the school had a "scarves juggling" thing that they did for little recitals. They used colorful, shear scarves and juggled them instead of balls (which would be sure to drop)as their act. It looked great!

    Stopping by from Friendly Friday link up. :)

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