Friday, March 9, 2012

Noodle Painting

 Noodle Art

 With your left over spaghetti noodles you can make all sorts of projects.  Who knew?  Today we decided to paint with it.  Dipping and dropping their noodles on the paper.  You'll see how much fun and easy this project is.

Using small bowls divide up your noodles and squirt some paint into the bowl.  Stir around to completely cover the noodles and let your little ones use their fingers to make creative prints with them. 
Fluttershy got the idea of the project quite quickly.  Rarity on the other hand just wanted to leave her noodles on paper.  Maybe next time I'll leave them and let them dry to see how the turned out.  
 After they dried this is how they looked.  It almost looks like the pasta is still on the paper, but it's not.
 This fun art project was inspired from


  1. I did this once with my preschool boys... It didn't turn out as nicely as yours did... and I had to clean paint off the floor, chairs and walls! LOL!

  2. Very cool looking!

    I did a variation of this when my big boys were preschool age. I used watered down white glue and tempera paint mixed with the cooked noodles and they created sculptures with their hands and the cooked, gluey spaghetti. When they were done, I then laid them on wax paper till they dried. I hung the finished sculptures from our dining room light with yarn like colorful mobiles for a while afterward. Good memories.

    It's so fun seeing what neat experiences you create for your girls!

  3. Love simple yet so much fun!! Thanks for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday..hope to see you again this week.
