Thursday, February 9, 2012

What our day is like

 Another cool find
Reading eggs

We've made a few changes to what we've been working on to make it a bit more excited this week.   It's nice to have things planned out, but it's also nice to have the flexibility to change things around when you want to.  

 It's hard to find something that a 2 and 4 year old would enjoy at the same time so here is what we've done to make this work.  For Fluttershy we've started using Reading Eggs.  It's a wonderful reading programs that's online that make a game out of learning.  I've let her do one lesson a day, but she'd gladly do more if I'd let her.  I thought it would be good to keep her wanting more so she'll keep looking forward to the next lesson she gets to do.

What's really nice with this program is after the lesson it through you can print out worksheets from their site that go along with the lesson she just did.  She can work on her writing skills as well as her reading skills. 

I have set up our computer to the TV so she can work on her lessons and Rarity and I can watch it on the TV. Rarity likes watching it and saying the sounds of what is on the screen.  I think it's been education for both kids. It's nice too because we can all work on it together and I can help Fluttershy if she needs it too. 

When Fluttershy is done with her lesson online, I print out the worksheets for her to do as well as Rarity's tot worksheets.  Rarity has been working on tot school worksheets from 1+1+1=1 .    To keep the girls on the same subject, I'll just pick what ever letter Fluttershy just learned and print that letter for Rarity from the tot school worksheets.  1+1+1=1 has some very nice and easy worksheets created for toddlers. 

It's easier to keep on the same subject for both so I don't have to work on too many things at the same time.  I'll also notice that Fluttershy likes to show of her knowledge to Rarity and will point to her worksheets and say the sounds they make.  She's been a great little teacher to Rarity.  I've found it much easier to teach my 2 year old with Fluttershy running around telling her everything.  Nice for me.

I let the girls dictate how their days go.  I've found a pattern to our days though.

Up and dressed by 7:30
Eat breakfast
Read for 20-30 minutes
Reading eggs and worksheets for 30-1 hour
Wood puzzles for 30 minutes
Block or duplo for 10 minutes.
Request for fun project (this is when we get out the sensory bins, cook, or weird experiment)
Free play while I make lunch or clean
Nap 1-3 hours
free play till dinner
Maybe a short 20 min educational video if the kids need something to entertain themselves while I get dinner on the table.  (really only a lifesaver moment for mom)

I just like to follow their lead and this is usually what we end up with.  The only thing that is formally planned is food and nap.  Both essential for happy kids. 

1 comment:

  1. That looks neat. I'd heard of Reading Eggs from some other Moms online, good to see how you like it.
