Friday, February 24, 2012

Squishy sensory bags

 Making Squishy Sensory Bags

 These very simple and easy sensory bags only need a few items.

Hair gel or Aloe Gel
Zip lock baggy
Misc items to put in bag
 We decided to go with a alphabet theme this time
and since I had foam paper I cut the letters out of that.

 To make it easier for Fluttershy to make on her own we used a small cup to put the baggy in so it would stay open for her.  First she added the Gel and glitter. 
 Now for our items.  We have A, B, C, D, and some various stickers that start with those letters as well.  We included butterflies, Bugs, Cats, Apples, and Dogs. 
This squishy bag is great just for squishing and also serves as a educational I spy game as well.  We got our inspiration from  playathomemom3.


  1. We love making these-so much fun!

  2. How fun and simple. Thanks for the great idea.

  3. What a fun idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you will share with us again this week!

  4. We had an entire DIY Sensory Bag Station today and I wish I had seen this post first so I could have included the cup idea!! That definitely would have worked in helping the kids keep the baggies open! I am adding the cups to the station next week.. thanks! :)

    Check out our baggies, if you wish:
