Monday, February 6, 2012

Is it mess or art?

Lesson Pathways Letter H:
Painting with pudding and crayon art

They make a cute letter H.
Hopping starts with H.

So does house

I let the girls make their own chocolate pudding to 
practice writing the letter H in.
Carefully pouring the mix.
Oops, guess we'll try it slower next time. That's ok, we're learning.
Fluttershy is getting better at stirring.
Starts out innocently enough.
Wrote in a few letters before..........
Oooohhhh look at my hands.
Then, what does it taste like?
Sine writing with it was not as inviting as eating with it
I gave them spoons.
I rate this activity 4 stars because of the look on each 
of their faces.
This wasn't in Lesson Pathways lesson today, but I've
been wanting to try this.  Using a electric griddle set on the lowest
setting you have and cover it with tin foil.   (I had mine on two marks lower than warm)
My griddle was warm enough to melt the crayons, but not burn anyone.

Place a large piece of construction paper on the griddle and start coloring. We found that if you press harder on the crayon it melts better.  And if you leave in on the paper 
for a little bit it starts to melt and can make really neat drawings.  
Above we melted a few colors and went over them again with a white
crayon making swirls.

I can't say enough good about this fun way to color.  It was really a fun art activity.

One crayon activity led to another.  
Melted crayon art

Finished work of art.  This was so much fun.  You could get more creative and turn the board as well making the melted crayon make designs too.

Hunt through your house and  books with a magnifying glass to see how many H's you can find.
With the left over crayons we took a box lid and lined it with tin foil and a masking tape walls.
With the blow dryer again proceeded the melt the remaining crayons.  Creating one large multi colored crayon.

You can do this in the oven too, but since we had been
playing with the hair dryer I thought it would be fun.
Adding another page to the alphabet book.


  1. Looks like quite a bit of fun and learning around your house!

  2. So funny that you posted the melting crayon art. I was just thinking of doing some form of that! :)

  3. Kelley [playgroundlaboratory]February 10, 2012 at 1:29 AM

    Pudding writing!

    I have been wanting to do crayon art with my boys for some time now, I just cant get my preschooler to part with any of his crayons, (even the broken ones!)

  4. Carla at Preschool Powol PacketsFebruary 10, 2012 at 7:07 AM

    Definitely art! I love the mess, too! Thanks so much for linking up to Teach Me Tuesday!!

  5. Lots of messy fun...the best kind! :D Thanks for linking up to BTT!!
