Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 19: Day1

Day 1
Read Books: 20 minutes a day
Read Words-  Words from I See Sam books
Letters – Use large letter (foam)
Math – Counting worksheet
Colors- Green worksheet
Writing Skills- circles
Review Shapes – color shapes

Play-  Going on a Long Trip (Source unknown)
Have the child repeat each line after you.

We're going on a long trip (pretend to ride a camel)

Do you see that shining star? (point to the sky)
Saddle up your camels (pretend to ride a camel)
Because we are going very far (place hand at forehead to look off)

We're going on a long trip (pretend to ride a camel)

Look!  The star is overhead (point to the sky)
I see the sweet, baby Jesus (pretend to rock a baby)
In the manger as His bed (place hands on side of head like asleep)

We've come from a long trip (pretend to ride a camel)

The star showed us the way (point to the sky)
To worship our true Savior (hands in prayer)
And, I'll praise Him every day (hands lifted in the air)

First & last name
- Phone number
- How to dial the phone and correctly answer it
- Full address

Visual Perception Activity-  Stack blocks in a pattern and have them copy it.

 Foam Letter fun.  Rarity at the age of 2 (as of last month) already knows the name of all the letters as well as the sounds they make. She loves playing with the foam letters.

 Math: Counting worksheet
 Pre writing skills:  Practicing circles

I let Rarity color, but she had more fun opening and closing the crayon container.  Filling and emptying the crayon. 
 Fluttershy is getting better at writing control.

Visual Perception Activity-  Stack blocks in a pattern and have them copy it.

 After Preschool today I asked Fluttershy what she wanted to do.  She picked puppets. 

Worksheets to print for today's lesson.  

For a printable form of this lesson use this link: Lesson 19


  1. ReviewsSheROTE Pamela RJanuary 6, 2012 at 6:25 PM

    wonderful lesson-- I love this age, I taught preK 3/4 they soke up SOOOOOOO much!!!

  2. New follower through MeloMomma's Share It Friday hop. Cute blog - look forward to reading more.
    The Antics of An Autism Mom

  3. Love this post. Cute ponytails. Found you from MeloMomma's blog, looking forward to reading your posts :)

    Michelle xo
