Monday, June 25, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons

As part of a our summer plans, I signed up the girls for swimming lessons.  Fluttershy is a Pre-swimming level 2 and Rarity was in the Mommy & Me class.  Both girls have done very well.  Fluttershy who is very water timid is getter better.  She's still reluctant to going under the water, but will go under this year.  Rarity is seems more of a water baby and had lots of fun in the water with me.


  1. Nice :) swim lessons are great! The girls look very happy too!

  2. What cuties! I desperately need to get my four year old in swimming lessons, but haven't found a pool that is a good fit. Hopefully we can find something before the end of summer. I'd love for her to learn before swimming season is over. Found you on the I <3 My Blog hop.

  3. Aww what an adorable picture at the end there - looks like a great time! Thanks so much for participating in the I <3 My Blog {Hop}!

    For Love of Cupcakes
