Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pom Pom Toss

Pom Pom Toss Game

Pompom toss

You’ll need:

-Empty egg carton

-Sharpie marker

-Small Pompoms



1. With your maker, write the numbers 1-12 in the bottom of each cell in your egg carton.

2. Provide 5-10 pompoms to your child and while sitting a 1-2 feet away let them try to toss them into the egg carton.  Once they’ve used up all their pompoms take a look in the egg carton to see if they got any in. 

3. Let them take each pompom out one at a time, and if they can, have them tell you the number.  Try this for five of so rounds. 

4. If this too easy for them, have them sit back even further and see if they can toss their pompoms into the egg carton.



  1. Aw! What a neat little game! Thanks for sharing!

    xoxo -Shar

  2. love this idea, a great little game for the kids to make themselves too. Right now my boys are playing games with apricot pits, a traditional summer game here, but maybe they could use this too! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!
