Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tall and Short

Tall and Short

Slow and Steady get me ready

Lesson Age 2 - Week 35

Take 10 straws and cut 5 in half.  Hold one tall stray up and tell your child that the straw is tall.  Hod a short straw up and tell them the straw is short.  Compare them side so they can see the difference in the length.  Lay all the straws on the floor before them and ask them to find all the tall straws. Replace all the tall straws and ask for the short straws. 

We did this a few times and after she had collected the right straws I'd have her count them with me.  She's getting really good at counting to 10 on her own, so she needed very little help.  When we first started this activity she didn't want to tell me tall or short, but rather what color of stripes the straws had.  She really becoming aware of her colors.  This activity lasted for 20 minutes. 

This activity teaches:

  • awareness of tall and short

  • counting

  • confidence and independence

1 comment:

  1. Great activity! Easy to do. My little girl is becoming very aware of colors too. She'd much rather practice that when I try to do math with her too ;) Thanks for linking up!
