Saturday, December 3, 2011

Homemade Christmas tree ornaments

This is a super simple recipe:
Go to Living life intentionally for the recipe.  Her's are really fancy.  I think we'll try them again in a few days and try them her way. 

I found her recipe while I was looking for a baking play dough recipe.  I wanted to make hand prints of my girls.
We baked these for 4 hours on 225.


  1. I can't wait to see more of these accessorized! Love it by itself.

    Following your lovely blog. I am also inviting you to add your blog at Momma's Lounge ( ) where you meet more mom bloggers, shout away, add your giveaways and business links and get featured by sharing your crafts, recipes and interesting musings. Following us back is deeply appreciated.

    Thanks and have a great day!

  2. Cute! I might have to add those to our December advent activities.


  3. So neat, thanks for posting this! I totally am going to try it with my little girl. :)

  4. oh I love it!! a way to permeate chubby little fingers!

  5. Wonderful! Hope we could do this too.
