Friday, January 25, 2013

Madeline (FI♥AR)

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FI♥AR- Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

January 7-11, 2013


"Well over fifty years old, this classic children’s book continues to be enjoyed by children of all ages. Set in France, Madeline lives with eleven other girls and Miss Clavel. They have a very precise schedule and orderly life, and the girls go everywhere formed into two straight lines. One night Miss Clavel senses that something is wrong, and she rushes to the bedroom, where Madeline is awake and in tears. Madeline is very brave, so what could be the problem?" Rainbow Resource

Monday: Geography, Math, & Manners

For math, the book Madeline has several things that we have done.  Madeline was the smallest of the twelve girls.  We talked about small, medium, and large with our manipulatives.  The 12 girls walked in two straight lines.  This opened up a discussion on the symmetrical drawings in the book as well as counting by two's.  We also built a Eiffel tower out of legos and Fluttershy made a flag to go on top. 

We located France on our map for social studies.  As an additional activity we did a manners family home evening which the girls loved.  It included super hero's so they were all over it. 

Math: Copying patters with linking cubes.

Tuesday: art

For art we brought back out symmetrical paint art.  Add a few dobs of paint on a folded paper and press firmly.  Open and you'll get an interesting piece of art.

We also did an unrelated art project that was just for fun.  Glow painting.  I hadn't planned on this activity, but after using the black light to look at the girls hands (as part of our science lesson)  I got this idea.  We put on our painting aprons and headed to our darkest room, the bathroom.  We used neon paints from Walmart.  Taking turns, each got to paint in total darkness.  Only the glowing paints showed up.  This activity was of course a hit.  What's funner than glowing paint?  Glowing brushes!  After we had created several pieces of art, we put them on display to show daddy.

We also:

  • Listened to and learned Frère Jacques

  • Watched red balloon on Netflix

  • Learned some French words

  • Explored a 360 view from the Eiffel tower

Math: Making a pictograph

Wednesday: Science

Science was fun this week.  We sort of went off on several different tangents. We took a tangent of health and the body which was fun.  First we talked about spreading germs by not washing our hands well.  The first task we did was to dust our hands with cocoa powder.  After the girls washed their hands in just water we used a white cloth and wiped their hands on it to see how well they washed.  As I expected, there was residue left on the cloth.  We talked again about how we need to wash our hands with soap and water for the length it takes to sing the alphabet song.  We've been working on this one with the girls.  It's a work in progress. 

Our next experiment is a work in progress. On Tuesday we cut open apple and placed one half in a jar with a lid.  The other half I let the girls play with for a bit and then placed it in another jar and sealed it up tight with a lid.  We'll see in a week what the result will be. 

Experiment #3 was learning about the stomach and how food is digested by stomach acid.  A simple zip lock, orange juice, and some crackers were used to show a simple visual explanation to my girls. After squishing our baggy around for a couple of minutes, our cracker was no more. 

We also briefly discussed the topic of an appendix since it was the main topic of the story.  I even showed the girls my scar from my appendectomy. They thought that was cool and even Fluttershy asked when she get to have her's out.  lol  

Thursday:  Language arts & misc

  • Made Tour De France book

  • Listen to: Manners can be Fun

  • Listen to Madeline stories online

  • Made French pastries with croissant dough and chocolate chips.




  1. Stopping by from Montessori Monday. Looks like a busy week!

  2. Wow, how fun!! We love Madeline at our house. If you can find a copy of the book on cd they have several songs to the same tune in English and French. I know my daughter loves listening to it. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  3. This looks like such a great week! Your blog is so fun, and it looks like you and your girls have a fantastic time with homeschooling! Looking back, I think it would've been fun to do FIAR with my boys when they were that age. :)
