Saturday, February 23, 2013

Clown of God (FI♥AR)

2-22-2013Clown of God (FI♥AR)

February 18-22, 2013Clown of God

“Many, many years ago, in Sorrento there lived a boy named Giovanni who had no mother and no father. He dressed in rags and begged for his food and slept in doorways. But he was happy, and he could do something wonderful. He could juggle.” This is how the old French legend begins. This clown who made people smile his whole life is sure to make you smile as well! Your heart will be warmed with the miracle at the end of the story as Giovanni does his last performance before a statue of Our Lady and the Christ Child. Tomie dePaola is the author and illustrator, and he has painstakingly reproduced this old story as close to its original telling as possible. Accompanied by Renaissance-inspired watercolor paintings that are full of vibrant color and cartoon-like characters.

2-18 1

This was an interesting book.  It was was sad in parts and though the book was good we decided to focus a little differently for this row. In the book Giovanni's grand finally was a rainbow juggle act, so this week we decided to use the lessons on the manual and went off on a rainbow theme.  We read the book every day and pointed out some of the lessons that could be learned from the way Giovanni was treated.  We also visited our neighbor and bought some rainbow eggs.  Aren't those neat.?  Green eggs!

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Day 1: Stain glass window cookies

  1. Make your favorite sugar cookie dough

  2. Crush up hard candy (we used life savers)

  3. Roll dough and use cookie cutter to make a fun shape,   Cut out the center to sprinkle crushed hard candy.

  4. Cook as per your recipe directions and enjoy!



For math Fluttershy learned how to read a recipe card to discover what color it makes.  She was given a 3 x 5 card with _______ water (as the name) and the ingredients were 2 cups yellow water and 2 cups blue water.  She followed the direction and discovered the recipe was for green water.  Beforehand I had mixed up some colored water for her to pour into her 1 cup measuring cup.  She was very excited with her discovery and held onto her recipe card all day. Picture 1.


Day 2: Art

Stain Glass Pictures 

  • In picture 9 Fluttershy is making her stain glass pictures and 9 is her finished picture. She made this by melting  shaved crayons.


  • Picture 4 is Rarity's rainbow

  • Picture 6 is Fluttershy's rainbow


 Day 3: Math

  •  On Wednesday we watched jugglers in Youtube.

  • We also graphed skittles in picture 5


Day 4: Science

  • Floating S- In picture 3 and 3 it's hard to see, but in the left part of the picture 3 the purple colored water you can see our floating S. from this science experiment.


Day 5:  Rainbow Jello Treat

  • To end our fun rainbow week we had rainbow jello. (Picture 8)


Resource links



1 comment:

  1. I love the rainbow Jello - it would make a fun St. Patrick's Day dessert.
