Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 14

DSC_0256Week 14

Science topic: Spin

Since we didn’t have a real top, we improvised with our sink plug.  Surprisingly it worked well. We also made super spinners with cardboard and a toothpick as well as top tracks, which was a top with a maker as the spinning part.  This made fun designs of a paper. 

Math: What is missing?

We continued this week with learning our math facts with fun games like super heroes.  We are working on adding 3 math facts.  We take turns picking a card and adding 3 to it.  The goal is to be the first to cover all our answers.  Fluttershy is about half way through 3 facts.  She has learned so much so far this year. 

We also played what’s missing? With c-rods.  Fluttershy first built her stairs with the rods.  I would then remove a rod and she’d have to figure out what was missing.  She quickly figured the answer without too much trouble.


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